Fiber link and pupil slicer

The fiber link conveys the light from the polarized beams coming out of the Cassegrain polarimeter into the cryogenic spectrograph.
This link consists of a dual 35m circular fluoride fiber custom-made with purified material to ensure a throughput of >90% over the entire spectral range of SPIRou.

The fiber link conveys the light from the polarized beams coming out of the Cassegrain polarimeter into the cryogenic spectrograph.
This link consists of a dual 35m circular fluoride fiber custom-made with purified material to ensure a throughput of >90% over the entire spectral range of SPIRou.

This fiber link also includes a pupil slicer at spectrograph entrance to minimize injection losses while maintaining the desired spectrograph resolution.
The last section of the fiber link includes octogonal fibers ensuring a high stability of the input image at the spectrograph entrance.
